I've found the new bible!!We'll this is new mag that everyone is have a good old gossip about. So I thought right lets see what all the fuss is and i have to say guys i LOVE Love love this magazine. With all the new competition out there, when reading Wafa (Editor in cheif) of Sketchbook Magazines story, the sheer tenacity of this woman is what makes this mag inspiring. her determination to bring fashion and frivolity all on to one page has resulted in a masterful creation.The fresh, inviting look of the cover just screams -read me read me, its cleary a mag for the quirky individual secretly seeking sally!! My personal fave has to be the volume of eccentric and vintage fashion- if you love a good old pair of battered doc's and loafers that will make you cringe, this is where you want to be. Inspired by the works of undiscovered fashion designers, revitialised works and artisits alike this magazine is in one work (or maybe two) TRUELY UNIQUE! Start downlaoding now!sketchbookmagazine.com Chic you all later guys x
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